The History of Cannabis Oil
Although medicinal marijuana use is relatively new in Western
society, cannabis has been known for its benefits to Eastern civilizations for
more than 5000 years.
Here’s a short timeline to get things into perspective:
BC – The Chinese emperor Fu
His made a reference to “Ma,” the Chinese word for marijuana, mentioning its
healing properties and correct yin-to-yang ratio.
BC – The father of Chinese
medicine, Chen Nung (or Shen Nung), is said to have discovered the healing
properties of marijuana as well as ginseng and ephedra.
BC – Marijuana is officially
mentioned in the Chinese Pharmacopeia, known as the Rh-Ya.
BC – The Hebrew version of
the book of the Exodus (30:22-23) mentions a holy anointing oil that contains
the plant Kaneh-bosem. Kaneh-bosem has been identified by respectable
etymologists, botanists, and researchers as cannabis extracted into olive oil.
BC – Cannabis pollen was
found on the mummy of Ramses II. The Egyptians used cannabis as a cure for
glaucoma and other ailments.
BC – A drink called Bhang,
which is made from milk and cannabis, was used as an anesthetic by India’s
BC – Cannabis is mentioned
in the Venidad, one of the ancient religious texts of the Persians, considered
to have been written by Zoroaster.
BC – The Ayurvedic treatise,
written by Sushruta Samhita, cites cannabis as a cure for leprosy.
BC – Cannabis was used in
ancient Greece to cure inflammation.
AD – In the Pen Ts’ao Ching,
a Chinese book of medicines, cannabis is mentioned as a cure for over a 100
AD – Dioscorides, a famous
Greek doctor, wrote about the benefits of cannabis in his botanical book De
Materia Medica.
AD – Wine and cannabis resin
were mixed by famous Chinese surgeon Hua Tuo to create an anesthetic.
AD – William Turner, the
author of New Herball, praised cannabis as a healing herb.
AD – Hemp was brought to
America by the Jamestown settlers. Cultivating it was considered mandatory.
AD – Robert Burton, a
reputable clergyman and Oxford scholar, recommended cannabis as a treatment for
depression in his book The Anatomy of Melancholy.
AD – US President George
Washington grew hemp for 30 years in his Mount Vernon plantation.
AD – After Napoleon invaded
Egypt, he brought cannabis to France.
AD – Jacques-Joseph Moreau,
a French psychiatrist, discovered that marijuana reduces headaches and improves
appetite and sleep. Medicinal marijuana use was considered mainstream.
AD – The US official
Pharmacopeia mentioned marijuana as a medicine.
AD – Massachusetts outlawed
cannabis, becoming the first state to do so. The other states soon did so as
AD – Marijuana was
prohibited in 10 states.
AD – Marijuana was added to the
UK’s “Dangerous Drug Act.”
AD – Canada forbade all
cannabis cultivation.
AD – Prison sentences were
established for simple possession of marijuana by the Boggs Act.
AD – Dr. Raphael Mechoulam
identified THC as the main psychoactive substance of marijuana and later
synthesized it in a lab.
AD – Popularity of marijuana
rose sharply (and still grows to this day). US population pushed for
AD – Marijuana was declared
a substance without medicinal use.
AD – The Netherlands
decriminalized marijuana, allowing controlled use. Licensed shops were
permitted to sell small amounts to adults.
AD – California legalized
medicinal cannabis use.
AD – Marijuana is now legal
in 25 states. The latest to join in was Texas.
As you can see, history speaks for itself. From heralded medicine
for over four thousand years to a villain within a century, now cannabis is
slowly regaining its old glory as a helpful and relatively safe herbal remedy.
Benefits of Cannabis Oil
When it comes to the health benefits of cannabis oil, hemp and
marijuana oil are quite different in some aspects and similar in others. We’ll
look at each of them alone.
Marijuana Oil Benefits
In the last decades (since the 1970s), scientists have made
immense progress in discovering the many health benefits of marijuana oil.
Despite the psychotropic effects for which the plant has been
abused, marijuana oil has been proven to soothe nausea, improve appetite, help
chemo patients feel better, and ease the pain of seriously ill individuals.
Marijuana oil is often prescribed to cancer patients, people who
suffer from chronic pain, anorexia sufferers and the terminally ill. Medicinal
marijuana use is slowly being legalized around the world, offering such people
a chance to live a better life.
There have been hundreds of respectable studies about the medical
benefits of marijuana in the last four decades. Although many results are
promising, some have been limited to lab conditions so far.
Here is a list of the definite and probable
benefits of marijuana oil:
1. Increased Appetite: Marijuana oil was cited in a
2007 study to increase the appetite
of anorexia patients and patients suffering from nausea.
2. Health Improvement in Asthma Sufferers: Inhaling marijuana vapors has been shown to improve
air conductivity in the lungs, making it a promising future treatment for asthma. It mainly works as a
3. Reduced Stress: Long-term studies on war veterans have shown
that marijuana can reduce
the effects of PTSD. Another study suggested thatmarijuana can reduce
anxiety and fear.
4. Pain Reduction: Marijuana can reduce physical pain. A single
dose has been shown to reduce pain
levels in people suffering from
post-surgical neuropathic pain.
5. Improved Sleep: Since marijuana has been shown to reduce
stress and pain, it can help certain individuals sleep better thanks to the
relaxation and comfort it provides.
6. More Benefits Still Being Studied: Many studies are underway on whether
marijuana can be a successful treatment for certain types of cancer,
Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other serious ailments. Lab results
have sometimes been promising, but there are no definite results yet.
Modern science still hasn’t discovered all the potential benefits
and uses of marijuana oil. Stil, medicinal marijuana is already successfully
helping people suffering from chronic pain, chemotherapy side effects, and
stress-related ailments.
It remains to be seen what other ailments marijuana will address
in the future.
Hemp Oil Benefits
Hemp oil can significantly improve quality of life. Studies on the
effects of CBD in hemp oil reveal promising results, including health benefits
1. Better Sleep: CBD has a mild relaxing effect that can help you fall asleep
easier at night, without causing drowsiness.
2. Reduced Stress: CBD gives an overall sense of comfort that
helps people wind down and recharge after a difficult day.
3. Decreased Inflammation: CBD has been shown to naturally help against
inflammation, increasing general well-being.
4. Improved Quality of Life: A daily serving of CBD offers a general
sense of euphoria without any of the psychotropic effects of marijuana.
Side Effects of Cannabis Oil
As with most beneficial substances, cannabis oil does come with
its side effects. Hemp oil and marijuana differ significantly in this respect,
so, once again, we’ll look at them both separately.
Marijuana Oil Side Effects
When used at a young age, marijuana may alter brain function. It
is not advised to take marijuana under the age of 18 unless a physician advises
Adults who use marijuana may experience slightly reduced memory
function and a lowered ability to think, concentrate, and learn while the THC
is active.
Marijuana should never be mixed with other medication without
asking your physician first.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take any
marijuana products to avoid endangering your child.
You should NOT drive or work with heavy machinery or dangerous
tools while under the influence of THC.
Despite these side effects, marijuana is a generally safe and very rarely causes complications
when used under the guidance of a medical professional.
Even though marijuana is listed as a dangerous drug, there have
been no direct fatalities recorded. The overdose
levels are far too high for anyone to ingest. In fact, the overdose
levels are 1000 times higher than the effective dose of 15 mg. Any fatalities connected
to marijuana have been due to driving while under the influence of THC, trouble
with the law because of possession, or smoking weed during a pregnancy (infant
Hemp Oil Side Effects
Since hemp oil contains only tiny traces of THC, it has far fewer
side effects than marijuana.
Hemp oil is very rich in polyunsaturated fats, which can lead to
cardiovascular problems when abused. Eliminate that danger by only ingesting
the correct serving of hemp oil daily.
Another possible side effect is diarrhea or stomach cramps. If
your digestive system is very sensitive and/or you get these side effects, you
should stop taking hemp oil.
Some individuals are very sensitive to THC. If you’re overly
sensitive to THC, you might experience some psychotropic effects from the very
small amounts in hemp oil. In this case, you should discontinue taking any hemp
If you suffer from blood clotting problems, you should ask
your doctor before taking CBD oil.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume hemp oil.
If you have a serious disease you should ask your doctor before
taking any new supplement.
Article brought to you by, “Healthy Hemp Oil”
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